Configuring Mini VCI to work with Windows 10

After I installed the software, my Windows 10 didn’t recognized the Mini VCI driver. The instillation CD included “MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi”, but when trying to install, I received this error:


To fix this, I had to extract the file “MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi” using 7zip or the msiexec command.

After the extraction, copy all files to the folder: “C:\Program Files (x86)\XHorse Electronics\MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS”. Copy IT3System.ini and IT3UserCustom.ini to  “C:\Program Files (x86)\Toyota Diagnostics\Techstream\Env”

To install the drivers:

right click on ftdiport.inf & ftdibus.inf and install. To verify open “FirmwareUpdateTool.exe” and click on Device info, it should say connected.